So we went to McCall the first time for triplets bday which was fun we had pancake house which was really good!!! Then we went swimming for almost the whole day then we opened presents and had really good cake so that was that oh and one of there presents was an ...... Iphone! So Lucky! Here are some pictures.
Pancake house!!
Then the next two days my cousins came for the nielson reunion and we played tennis, we had homade icecream, and we made smores it was so fun!!! then we went home and came back 2 days later and it was just a vacation but for 2 weeks :) and some of my cousins were up there and they were so cute and then the ones my age were fun. and then we came back for 5 days which i was so bored while i wasnt in McCall but then i went back up for 3 days for the farmer reunion!!!!!
So we got up there in a morning at like 8 and then we had a family breakfast with all our cousins which was fun . After that we changed and swam that whole day but something appened. We went tubing and I was sitting in the boat and i wasn't looking and the rope came and hit me in the neck which really hurt and i didn't know what happened and then i was like ...ow and then they were like are you alright and i was like okay and i started crying a little but it was alright. And i geuss that the tube went under the water and the rope couldn't handle it so the rope snapped! Crazy right?! Then we got back and we went back to the cabin and that night we played games with our cousins and had my Aunts famous carmel popcorn it was so gooooood!!!! But then I had to go to bed like an hour after:.( But then the next day we ate at aor cousins awesome cabin which is renting you guys should see the website and we ate dinner there and played games. And then the next day we went home. and now we are going to go up again for another nielson reunion cant wait!
There are probaly going to be more pictures later nad more posts and we were actually up in McCall longer then I saaid but you know :) BYE!
i miss mccall so much already!!
ReplyDeletei know!!! i feel yah