claire bear
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Sunday:So yesterday something hilarious happened you will die laughing! look here to see what happened. Yeah whoops. But Christmas is so soon!!! Dont forget the reason for the season! But Merry Christmas and watch the video so funny!!!BYE
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Sunday: Hi guys sorry I don't do posts as often any more. But anyway I can not tell you all the things im grateful for it would go on for days and days. Ill just tell you one of the most important things that im grateful for..... my family. My family is so fun to hangout with they are so funny, pretty,nice,etc. When were in the car and a song turns on that we know we just all start singing and sometimes we have competitions and i just love when we do that. My family has 8 girls (including me) and 2 boys. I know that sounds crazy but trust me it is so fun. Its always loud and I mean always. I love them so much and could go on for days about it. I would put up a picture but there isn't one. one of things we also did this Thanksgiving was have our friends over we always have them visit every Thanksgiving there the Quigleys if you know them you know they are wonderful and so funny. They have a 2 year old named Xander he is ADORABLE!!!! They just had a baby she is 4 months old. She is one of the cutest things that has happened to me. Her name is Izzy. We also had another frend come her name is Lindsay. She is so so so so so funny. My sisters also came down it was so much fun I always have fun at Thanksgiving time and I am so thankful for everything. Well thats about it see if you can find the 8 in less than 1 minute ready...set...GO!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012
Saturday:Hi, Monica ( here is her blog) my freind tagged me and you just awnser questions well here it goes. And the awnsers are in bold at the bottom.
The rules are as follows:
1::Each person tagged must post 11 random facts about themselves
2::They must answer the 11 questions posted by the previous blogger
3::They must create 11 more questions to ask their tagged bloggers
4::They must tag 11 blogs with less than 200 followers
5::The bloggers must be told
6::No tag backs
11 facts about me
1.I LOVE piano
2.I am Mormon
3.I am funny
4.I live in a family of 12
5.I am 11
6.I am a girl :)
7.I play soccer,basketball, and tennis
8.I love my family
9.I listen to the prophet
10.I have really good friends
11.I am AWESOME!!:)
11 questions from Monica
1::This is a two parter...a. what is your all time favorite movie?A series of Unfortunate Events
b. what is your favorite watching a movie treat?Candy
2::Would you rather live on the beach, in the mountains or in the city?It depends how much people lives there other wise beach
3::If you could only have one dessert for the rest of your life what would it be? ohh that ones hard um.. cookies? that ones hard
4::What is your favorite subject to learn about? Math
5::What color do you wear the most? White or Blue or Black :)
6::If you could have any hair color what color would that be?Blonde same color right now :)
7::Another two parter...a. what is your favorite book? b. a book you want to read?a. A series of Unfortunate Events b. YES!
8::If you could hang out with ANYone for the day who would it be? {don't choose someone you know personally, boring!} Taylor Swift!
9::What talent or skill do you wish you possessed? Gymnastics
10::What 3 things would you grab at the gas station when stopping on a road trip? Pringles, candy, and a drink
11::What's something that drives you absolutely nuts? When people rub a metal fork on a glass plate!!!
The rules are as follows:
1::Each person tagged must post 11 random facts about themselves
2::They must answer the 11 questions posted by the previous blogger
3::They must create 11 more questions to ask their tagged bloggers
4::They must tag 11 blogs with less than 200 followers
5::The bloggers must be told
6::No tag backs
11 facts about me
1.I LOVE piano
2.I am Mormon
3.I am funny
4.I live in a family of 12
5.I am 11
6.I am a girl :)
7.I play soccer,basketball, and tennis
8.I love my family
9.I listen to the prophet
10.I have really good friends
11.I am AWESOME!!:)
11 questions from Monica
1::This is a two parter...a. what is your all time favorite movie?A series of Unfortunate Events
b. what is your favorite watching a movie treat?Candy
2::Would you rather live on the beach, in the mountains or in the city?It depends how much people lives there other wise beach
3::If you could only have one dessert for the rest of your life what would it be? ohh that ones hard um.. cookies? that ones hard
4::What is your favorite subject to learn about? Math
5::What color do you wear the most? White or Blue or Black :)
6::If you could have any hair color what color would that be?Blonde same color right now :)
7::Another two parter...a. what is your favorite book? b. a book you want to read?a. A series of Unfortunate Events b. YES!
8::If you could hang out with ANYone for the day who would it be? {don't choose someone you know personally, boring!} Taylor Swift!
9::What talent or skill do you wish you possessed? Gymnastics
10::What 3 things would you grab at the gas station when stopping on a road trip? Pringles, candy, and a drink
11::What's something that drives you absolutely nuts? When people rub a metal fork on a glass plate!!!
Twin Falls
Saturday:Hi guys sorry I haven't done a post for a while but now there is one. This didn't happen on this Saturday it happened last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. My sisters ended up going to state soccer which was pretty cool. We went on Thursday. Their first game they lost by one 3-2 so it was sad. My other sisters came from Utah that night and it was really fun. The next day the girls had another game they won (I don't remember the score) and the boys soccer team was there too, they won their first game and won the second game too. The next day was the last day to see who won state for girls and boys. The girls won 4-0 and the boys...lost! It was so sad the boys haven't been to state for a long time so that was exciting for them to go to state but they lost and they were crying! It was so sad and the goalie is LEGIT!!! He blocked a penalty shot! But the boys lost 0-1 pretty sad! They are 2nd in State. The girls are 4th in State. Well then when we were going home I kept saying lets go to Shoshone Falls!!! But no one wanted to besides me and my sister, Kaitlin, so we went to Shoshone falls thankfully and it was really pretty besides the fact that it was fall so not as much water as in the summer but still pretty. Well BYE!!!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Sunday:Hi sorry I havent done a post for a while. Anyways here it is so i curled my hair for school and my sister ,Lauren, helped get an oufit picked out and my sister ,Kaitlin, painted my hair so i had fun. And I really like my teachers I really had fun setting up my lockers and had fun seeing my freinds well thats about it sorry. can you find the 2 in this thing?
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Thursday:HI im back did you miss me? well you're in for a treat because this is going to be long.
So we went to McCall the first time for triplets bday which was fun we had pancake house which was really good!!! Then we went swimming for almost the whole day then we opened presents and had really good cake so that was that oh and one of there presents was an ...... Iphone! So Lucky! Here are some pictures.
Pancake house!!
Then the next two days my cousins came for the nielson reunion and we played tennis, we had homade icecream, and we made smores it was so fun!!! then we went home and came back 2 days later and it was just a vacation but for 2 weeks :) and some of my cousins were up there and they were so cute and then the ones my age were fun. and then we came back for 5 days which i was so bored while i wasnt in McCall but then i went back up for 3 days for the farmer reunion!!!!!
So we got up there in a morning at like 8 and then we had a family breakfast with all our cousins which was fun . After that we changed and swam that whole day but something appened. We went tubing and I was sitting in the boat and i wasn't looking and the rope came and hit me in the neck which really hurt and i didn't know what happened and then i was like ...ow and then they were like are you alright and i was like okay and i started crying a little but it was alright. And i geuss that the tube went under the water and the rope couldn't handle it so the rope snapped! Crazy right?! Then we got back and we went back to the cabin and that night we played games with our cousins and had my Aunts famous carmel popcorn it was so gooooood!!!! But then I had to go to bed like an hour after:.( But then the next day we ate at aor cousins awesome cabin which is renting you guys should see the website and we ate dinner there and played games. And then the next day we went home. and now we are going to go up again for another nielson reunion cant wait!
There are probaly going to be more pictures later nad more posts and we were actually up in McCall longer then I saaid but you know :) BYE!
So we went to McCall the first time for triplets bday which was fun we had pancake house which was really good!!! Then we went swimming for almost the whole day then we opened presents and had really good cake so that was that oh and one of there presents was an ...... Iphone! So Lucky! Here are some pictures.
Pancake house!!
Then the next two days my cousins came for the nielson reunion and we played tennis, we had homade icecream, and we made smores it was so fun!!! then we went home and came back 2 days later and it was just a vacation but for 2 weeks :) and some of my cousins were up there and they were so cute and then the ones my age were fun. and then we came back for 5 days which i was so bored while i wasnt in McCall but then i went back up for 3 days for the farmer reunion!!!!!
So we got up there in a morning at like 8 and then we had a family breakfast with all our cousins which was fun . After that we changed and swam that whole day but something appened. We went tubing and I was sitting in the boat and i wasn't looking and the rope came and hit me in the neck which really hurt and i didn't know what happened and then i was like ...ow and then they were like are you alright and i was like okay and i started crying a little but it was alright. And i geuss that the tube went under the water and the rope couldn't handle it so the rope snapped! Crazy right?! Then we got back and we went back to the cabin and that night we played games with our cousins and had my Aunts famous carmel popcorn it was so gooooood!!!! But then I had to go to bed like an hour after:.( But then the next day we ate at aor cousins awesome cabin which is renting you guys should see the website and we ate dinner there and played games. And then the next day we went home. and now we are going to go up again for another nielson reunion cant wait!
There are probaly going to be more pictures later nad more posts and we were actually up in McCall longer then I saaid but you know :) BYE!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Sunday: Guess what? I got my birthday present! I went to McCall! So we were there for a week and now we are going up there for 2 weeks! if you read Joslins (my sister) blog then I did the same things except go to California. But anyways theres this gas station thats right by our cabin and we always walk there because theres candy there so we buy stuff and we always do it. So one time I was going and I bought this lemonade drink in a glass bottle and I also bought mambas and chips for 4th of July. Anyways so I was walking and the bag was twisted so I undid it and it fell and broke! So i was mad but my sister luckily got the same thing so she said she'll share so i didn't have a drink for 4th of July but it was still a really good night and the fireworks were awesome!BYE!
here are some pictures of the lemonade stand
and pictures of the garage that I cleaned it wasnt the best but you know
heres a picture of the puppy
here are some pictures of the lemonade stand
and pictures of the garage that I cleaned it wasnt the best but you know
heres a picture of the puppy

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