Tuesday: So I already got some presents for my b-day which is in a couple of days. I firstly got A box of sharpies, a note, and skittles. that was from my friend Allison . And then today,Tuesday, my g-ma and g-pa brought Hannah ,for a late b-day, and me to Kiwi Loco which is a really good frozen yogurt place. And we were eating in the restraunt when this lady came in with a sash that said Miss. Mauhler county and a crown. She was talking to the cashier and there is no one in the store right now and she said "Excuse me, can you take a picture?" and I was like "Yeah" and I thought she was going to take a picture of me but she wasn't I was taking a picture of both of them. And she handed me a camera and went and was behind the counter and I could barely get a good picture of them because there was toppings for the ice cream in the way but I luckily got a good one and they looked and said it was good and then said thank you and left I was like okay. But then I went to Big 5 for my g-pas shoes and I bought these things for my b-day party. Then I went to Walmart and my g-ma bought me a pack of 50 markers 12 of them smell and there really cool. And I got Salt and Vinegar Pringles which are really good and then I bought these miny packs of gum that were 50 cents each and are adorable. Anyways so the things I got for my b-day don't get me them. BYE! P.S. you should all look at my you tube video its called "walking in the air by Claire Farmer on piano".
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Thursday a.k.a. my b-day:Today was my b-day! It was so fun I had my party with my friends that day also. So I woke up and we all went and had toaster strudels and then opened presents. I got a Kiwi Loco bracelet that said "I'm crazy for Kiwi Loco" and I got 5 dollars to Kiwi Loco. Then I got a swimming suit a shirt,and sour cream and Onion Pringles. And then me and my mom were setting up for my b-day party it was so cool it was Ice cream themed there's a picture down below. 6 people came and we first made our ice cream then we tie died shirts which was fun. Then we made these cool bracelets also picture below after that we made these sun catcher things. Then we..... OPENED PRESENTS! Yeah! Only 6 people came and I got a lot of presents like a whole bunch of candy and finger nail polish. then I had this crown thing that said happy birthday in gold and I wore that all day and random people said happy birthday and I said thanks. Then we went to kades baseball game and he didnt want to play since what happened the first game so we all came towatch him and he didnt even play but diana came and gave hm 3 packs of gum because she thaught he was going to play. Then we went to Wingers and that was fun. Later we opened my presents and I had so much gift cards. I got a lot of stuff but some pictures are down below. My dad had a baseball game and it was so fun and funny. This little kid was adoprable and had big ears and a shirt that had a shark on it and you would pretend it bit your finger and he would laugh.Me and him were playing soccer and I wanted to watch the game so I said " I'm going to watch the game now okay?" and he said "But you have to play with me".Then we went over to this picnic table and the Smiths were there and he grabbed a water bottle and pretended squirting it and it was funny. Then this guy that would say"Yep yep"if he did something good then the little kid came over to him and started to pretend squirt him and the "Yep" guy said "hey ears" and the little kid said "What?" and the "yep"guy said "hey Justin I'm going to beat up your kid" And then little boy just kept screaming for no reason it was a good day. BYE!
I'm 11
Party isn't it cool?tie dieying shirts
bracelet we made
toppings for ice cream
presents opening
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
my art teacher(left) me(middle)and one other person(right)
my 100$ to toys-r-us
my prizes my hat and bracelet aren't in it though
my picture
my family
my really funny faces:)
Kades first baseball game
Tuesday:So today was Kades first baseball game and it did not turn out that good. So I went to this Basketball camp and came back and saw they were already back I was like "Whoa" and then I saw Kades lip and was like om my gosh what happened and he said Lauren ,my sister, punched me in the face I was like seriously and he Lauren said that Kade was batting and the third time the ball hit him in the lip. It was pretty bad. Here is a picture.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mothers Day!!
Sunday:O.K. so I thought I haven't done a post for a while so here one is. Here is a picture of my foot again and I hope it works this time. Yesterday I went to swim at Lizzy's house and the water wasn't warm all the way so it was kinda cold but I wore my romper an swimsuit and both of them were new. Happy Mothers Day to all you out there and here are some pictures from my moms mother day. Thats a giant card and flowers I gave her and then also her breakfast. Hope you liked it mom!
Here my foot is (again)
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Monday a.k.a. injure day:Okay so today was a really good day besides the injuries.Oh and I'm not going to do a post every day some of them are the same and not that interesting and it is so hard and if you hadn't noticed I'm way behind But my first injury was I was playing teather ball with my friend Kayli and hit it straight on the pole it hurt!I dare you all to try to not use your thumb for a little bit. And then this injury is kinda funny Emma and Broke were playing tennis (for fun on the grass) and the ball was on the ground so I was going to get it with my foot and Emma was trying to get it to and hit my foot with her racket. I know it doesn't sound that bad but it is I had a huge bump on my foot after like right after. And we were playing soccer with a whole bunch of boys with Oscar and Jami,Lauren,me, Kade, Alek, and Jake O'Neil and one of the boys, Johnny, had the ball and I went up to get it and I kicked him on the shin with my shin. so far how does this sound? Anyways ten Kade had baseball cleats on since he just got back from baseball practice and kicked me on the calf. No biggy.:( And my last but yes least :) Jake kicked the ball and it hit me right by my stomach!:( I'm going to have some bruises tomorrow I already have a bruise on my foot and can;t move my thumb which I figured out you need a lot!:)P.S. for my b-day there is some cute clothes on GILT a really cute store you should go on there website ( I don't know my sizes but my mom probably knows so ask her. And i'm 10 almost 11 years old for clothes
A picture of my foot
A picture of my foot
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Friday:It's almost my b-day! My b-day is May 24th, 2001. I was born on a Thursday at 4:54pm. My full name is Claire Farmer and I weighed ... don't laugh 10LBS and 4OZS! Astrologers say I'm a Gemini: sophisticated, quick-witted, and restless. And I share my birthday with Priscilla Presley. Anyways today was the same day as usual. But we babysat and there was a lot of family there and I looked like a holligin I was wearing a t-shirt gym shorts and slippers! And they have a tanning bed and a movie theater it has a miniature theater screen and has individual chairs with a cup holder. They have so many movies like two Harry Potters, all the Star-wars, Madagascar,We Bought a Zoo, Muppet's, Rio,etc. there were so many! Oh here are some of the things I want for my b-day. P.S. you don't need to get me something and alot af my posts might be a couple days late.
- Carmel Bugles
this backpack from target
- tennis shoes
- soccer shoes
- pringles
- clothes
- shoes
- jewelry (earrings)
- MCCALL! as in the place :)
- smelly markers
- 36 box of pencils (or more)
- crayons
- gift cards
- Kiwi Loco bracelet and shirt
- camera
- Toms
- Vans
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Thursday:Today was so stormy the lights even went out at school. So we were reading and then we saw lightning and Mr.Starkey's class was going to go geochashing but they didn't end up doing it because of the storm, so yeah. But it also hailed and the power went out and my friend was in the bathroom and she came in and shes like ahhhh, that was the scariest thing in my life! It was so funny. And now Alek is at his soccer game at the moment with everyone watching...hope it doesn't rain on them.
Mothers Day
Wednesday:So today I had the same ol' day at schol but the FFA came so that was fun. And what we learned about was different energys. And then I went to activity days and made my Moms Mothers Day present. And then I came home and here I am. I'm sorry its so short it's just i didnt do that much
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Tuesday:WARNING:This has the answers for Sundays game skip this post and come back later if you do not want to know the answers to the game. Anyways I'm sorry I didn't do a post yesterday if you were crying that i didn't do a post.:)It's just it wasn't that fun and i wrote it but it accidently got x'd out by my grandma so it's cool and plus it would've been put on a day late anyways so yeah. But so far my days gone O.K. hows yours been going? I went to school and was so hyped up I couldn't even handle it and acctualy i was hyped up the whole day. !The awnsers are..... earing, button on cardigain(shirt), hair, and prayer sign on the door. Congrats if you got them.
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